The folks in the ER at POH Clarkston have grown to love us (or maybe not). We've spent a lot of time there the last few days.
Let me start by saying Grand Blanc Marching Band is standing #1 in the state. (Well maybe not right this second, I haven't checked the scores from today) But if not #1, definitely in the top 3. Those of you who know what goes into a successful marching band know how much time and dedication the kids put in. It's impressive. We started out with band camp in August and have done or thought of little else since then. (I say we, but I really mean Molly). The band is awesome! A few days ago, Molly was running on the field and was cut off by another student. In an effort to "save the trumpet,' which was in her right hand when she started to fall to the ground, she swiveled around to break her fall and landed hard on her left hand. That was a bad thing. Wet grass = bad fall = bad hand.
Off to the ER we went.
The good news was, it was not broken. The bad news was, it really hurt anyway - for days and days. Did I mention to you the story of the missing keys on the morning I was trying to get to the ER? No? I'll save that for some day when I can't think of anything to write about....
Ok, so days go by and things are improving. No one is sick or injured. I get to knit/ listen to my current audio book. Life is good. Just when I'm thinking how great I am for getting so much done, Saturday morning, Heather comes downstairs and informs me that she can't see. What do you mean, you can't see? I say.
I don't know, everything in my peripheral vision is smeary and I have this really bad headache that is getting worse and worse. This is where having a husband that is a physician is a mixed blessing. We all know what these symptoms COULD mean( but probably don't) and you have to ignore that 'probably don't' part and go with the COULD.
Off to the ER we went.
The nurses and everyone are now looking at us with a spark of recognition in their eyes. A shot, an IV, a prescription, a diagnosis of 'migrane', and a couple hours later, we are on our way only a little worse for the wear.
This is the time I start to think, ok, that's it. We've had our dose of ER for the rest of the year. I can relax now and not worry about anything else happening. Life is good. That was really stupid.
Yesterday, I get a frantic call from one of the marching band directors that Molly has 'hurt her knee' and I need to come and get her. Hurt her knee? Can she walk? What happened? Never mind, I'll be right there. Luckily, Chris was home and was able to go with me. We arrived to find Molly not only hurt, but in absolute agony and unable to move any part of her leg.
Off to the ER we went.
The staff greeted us with recognition.
The good news is, we got in and out in a hurry. Everyone knew who we were.
The bad news is Molly's knee is really bad I think. We won't know for sure until the swelling goes down and and Ortho Doc can see her. But it's not looking good. Grand Blanc Marching Bobcats are going to carry on without her, and Molly is very, very sad.
I've learned.
Be prepared. Don't tempt the fates. Be nice to the ER staff.
Keep your fingers crossed for Molly.