Molly's knee is better. It was not as bad as we expected, but it is still an impressive injury. The Ortho Doc labeled it a "second degree tear of the MCL" with some effusion (fluid build-up) and a possible tear of the meniscus, which is kind of like the padding under your knee cap. We had the MRI Friday to determine the exact status, but haven't heard any results thus far. I am thinking that no news is good news. (Again, no fate tempting here....) Suprisingly, he really didn't give her any restrictions other than not to push it and to know that if she's not careful, she could do further damage. Duh...
With that lack of restriction, and a really good brace, Molly was determined to be on the field marching last night and nothing we could say or do was going to stop her. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) the last roadblock she had to overcome was Hutch, and he wasn't so easy to convince. Despite her best attempts, Molly watched the performance with the Pit Crew from the sidelines, even more determined to get back out there for next week's competition. I think she'll do it. It's kind of unnerving that the band director has final say at our house these days....

(Shout out to Theresa Kelly for the photo)
Socktoberfest at the Rainforest was great. There were lots of people, food, dessert, and best of all, yarn. Everyone got a goody bag full of knitterly delight and several hours to sit and enjoy it.
Even The Flint Journal was there to document the event. You can read the article here at M-Live. Thank you Phyll, and everyone else for all your hard work! It was a lot of fun.
Spinning class at Heritage Spinning and Weaving last weekend was Awesome! This first class was primarily focused on learning about different kinds of fiber and how they are prepared for spinning. We all received a hand made drop spindle and plenty of wool to practice with.
It was great fun and I am totally addicted! I bought more fiber on the way out to practice with and I am happy to say it is all spun and plied. I couldn't resist the calling of the wheel. It didn't take long after getting the hang of the drop spindle to figure out that the wheel works exactly the same way except you don't have to stop every few seconds to spin and wind.
Next class we spend spinning on the different kind of wheels that the shop sells. I know what will be on my Christmas list this year!