Friday, April 20, 2007


I was too stubborn to just put the purse down and slowly back away. Nice and easy.

I modified the pattern to make it 'look right'. Well.....sort of right. When I started on the strap - which used the same built in I-cord technique on the edges, I decided to just follow the damn pattern word for word out of spite. (Besides, it is much easier to rip out 9 stitches p/row than 40 if it looked REALLY bad) Low and behold about 10 rows later, I realized that it WAS right all along and that the knitting just needed to progress a little to allow the edge to naturally "roll" to make the edge. I AM a moron.

**lesson learned - if you've already consulted the Internet for corrections/clarifications on a 2 year-old publication and found none....TRUST THE PATTERN.

Anyway, it is nearly finished. I lined it yesterday and as soon as I stop procrastinating about paying the bills this morning, I can go sit down and sew it together. Will post pictures later.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


My aran pocketbook was coming along so well....I sat for a couple of hours yesterday and listened to this great audio book and finished most of the body of the purse. I was quite pleased with myself and was feeling like I had done a good job ( this was the first chart I've read and it had cables). Then I came to the 'built in i-cord edging'. I must be a moron - I just can not figure out how to make this flap work. It keeps coming out asymmetrical - I have frogged the stupid thing about 5 times now and wasted several hours on line trying to find out what I'm doing wrong.

My sister is the only knitter I know and the purse is for her for Mother's day (maybe) and the free help at the knitting shop was yesterday. That's what I get for getting so smug about learning how to do cables. Knitting Karma.

I'm going to go cast on something else and maybe the knitting answer fairy will come visit me in my dreams tonight - more likely I'll have to take the stupid thing to someone who actually has a clue how to knit.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Today's tasks....

I was told yesterday - by my wonderful husband - that my job should be finding things for us to look forward to. Sounds easy enough. I spent the morning online looking for B&B's on the west coast of Michigan. There are MANY, and they all look intriguing.

I spent quite some time looking at all the nice places we could go corresponding to all the 'key events' of the spring and summer. Then I came to one conclusion. If my job was to find things to do, whose job was it to get a doctor, two teenager's, a six year-old with boundless energy, a smelly dog, a biting hamster, 2 fish and two birds to go along with it?

I quit.

I'm moving on to the next task. To block or not to block socks? That is the question.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ok, this blog thing....

I spent a whole lot of time writing a fairly witty 'first blog' which is stuck in the draft stage. I can't figure out how to post it or edit it or anything. I feel dumb. So here I am again - I am just going to write something and then post it to see how it all works.

It is a beautiful day today. Sunny but only 43 degrees and blowing a gale. I was hoping to get outside and so some yard work, but with the wind it is just too cold. Sounds like a good excuse to stay inside a do a little knitting and listen to a book.

The problem is, as soon as I typed that, my mind zoomed back to something Piper said to me this morning. After asking where everyone was - Tubie, Dad, Molly - and realizing that I was the only one with seemingly no where to go, she informed me that I had the 'shortest' job. Dad works all the time, Tubie, Molly and Piper all go to school but mom gets to stay home. It's just not fair. She wished she could stay home and wouldn't even mind doing some of the laundry. When I explained to her all the things that I do, like bills, cleaning, dishes, cooking, bill paying, grocery shopping, etc. etc. she said "So you're like one of the people at the restaurant that brings us our food"


"You know," she said, "some people have someone like that living in their house, someone to do everything for them"

I said it's kind of like that but I don't get paid - sarcastically. Sometimes I forget that 6 year-olds just don't get sarcasm at all. She told me that she pays me all the time - with hugs and kisses, but mostly kisses. That made me smile and think that most days I don't have the "shortest job" but I do have the best one.

Off to do some knitting now - something with a pattern to take advantage of this amazingly quiet house (for the moment)